Discover Regenerative Medicine Solution in Wound Healing

Why low molecular weight HA in wound healing?
Fidia Symposium - AIUC, Naples 2019
M. Di Lorenzo | E. Brocco | R. De Giglio | V. Gallicchio
  1. Hy-tissue SVF: new kit for the withdrawal of the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) from adipose tissue
  2. Hy-tissue SVF: a new perspective in regenerative diabetic foot therapy
  3. Hy-tissue SVF: the first clinical experiences in diabetic foot
  4. Hy-Tissue SVF: in the treatment of neuropathic foot
PRP as a biotherapy for wound healing
PRP as a biotherapy for wound healing
Luis Vidal Conde, PhD: Scientific Affairs, Fidia
  1. Chronic wounds features
  2. Platelet rich plasma for chronic wounds: why?
  3. Platelet-rich plasma in chronic wounds: what do studies conclude?
  4. Platelet rich plasma in chronic wounds: when and how?

© Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.A.
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